We daily turn On/Off of our water pumps and water valves in order to meet our water needs. However, in this process, we waste more than 40 litres of water per day if our water tank overflows even for a minute.

GWLC- Water Level Controller System automatically turns On/Off water pumps & automate complete water system, thereby saving water and power.

We are an accredited manufacturer of Water level controller System.

Our Benefits

No watertank Overflow
No need to Switch On and Off Motor
Your Motor will ON/OFF Automaticall

No more High Electricity

and Water Bills

No need to wake up
early morning to fill water

No dry run of motor
Our device will Protect your Motor

You need not to stay back to operate the
Motor leaving important work

No need to climb up down

check Water Level in tank

Robust Magnetic Sensors

Long Life & Corrosion-Free

Maintenance FREE System
LOW Cost Solution
ONE Year Replacement Warranty

Automate Water Pump
Your water pump should be SMART & AUTOMATIC with our GWLC

Automate Water Pump to Save 100Cr. Litre Water Daily.

It is a matter of grief that, in India, we waste more than 100 Core litter of water per day* only because of manual operations of water pumps.

We have a vision to Prevent the wastage of 100 Core litter of water per day by automation of water pumps and water systems.

We daily turn On/Off of our water pumps and water valves in order to meet our water needs. However, in this process, we waste more than 40 litres of water per day if our water tank overflows even for a minute.

GWLC- Water Level Controller System automatically turns On/Off water pumps & automate complete water system, thereby saving water and power.

We are an accredited manufacturer of Water level controller System.